Efficient And Effective Resolution Of Attorney Fees’ Dispute Cases

In litigation, each party is typically responsible for its own attorney fees. However, if one party is engaging in frivolous or abusive litigation, the other party may be entitled to an award for its attorney fees.

At Ney Rhein, LLC, we represent Georgia clients in both sides of these cases, including those who are the target of a fee claim, as well as those initiating a fee claim against another party. Whether you believe you have been unfairly targeted in a frivolous lawsuit, or if the opposing party is seeking a sanctions award against you, Ney Rhein, LLC can help. We will explain your legal options and help you pursue the most favorable outcome in your case.

Working To Dismiss Frivolous Lawsuits

Frivolous lawsuits, and lawsuits with little or no legal merit are filed all the time. In some cases, a claim of frivolous litigation could result in the awarding of damages for attorney fees.

If a lawsuit has been filed against you with no arguable basis, contact us to discuss your legal options. We regularly provide representation for clients who have disputes with other lawyers. Attorney William Brent Ney understands the steps to take to get such cases dismissed.

When There Are Disputes Concerning The Validity Of Your Lawsuit

Similarly, if you have initiated a lawsuit against another party and the other party is disputing the validity of the claim, we can help. We will negotiate with other parties and do everything in our power to make certain your lawsuit is fully prosecuted. This includes seeking compensation for you through moving for attorney sanctions to motivate opposing parties to agree to move your case forward.

Ney Rhein, LLC offers a free initial consultation at our Atlanta law office. Call toll-free at 888-341-0080 or contact us online to learn more.